
Needs of instant reach of the mass

Hunger for instant reach of millions driven by needs of Branding and Commercialization is NOT met in Web3. We have observed content-based marketing within fragmented communities, as well as branded NFTs and purchased lands within siloed metaverses. However, paid advertisement within Web3 realm is yet to be realized. Middlewares that can aggregate attention from millions and serve ads based on audience preference is desperately needed.

Advertisers need

  • An Iconography to Display for Branding Purposes; we have seen brands such as Nike, Budweiser, Microsoft etc. issuing NFTs in metaverses to increase their brand exposure, yet a solution to co-brand with influencer-owned NFTs is missing.

  • Quantifiable Reach towards the mass audience with reasonable Return on Investment; paid advertising in Web2 can be easily realized via DSP (Demand Side Platforms) offered by Facebook, Google Ad Sense etc. However, no real solution is yet to merge to facilitate instant reach of massive audience measurable ROI.

  • Precision Targeting on ideal audience based on metrics; on-chain and off-chain user attention data must be abstracted as targeting metrics to facilitate precise reach of the ideal audience. No such features have been seen in the Web3 realm yet.

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